We are unable to take on any kiln orders until further notice

We have our annual break until 28 July


Kiln parts such as controllers / probes and elements are welcome






Gas Kilns.

Kiln Sizes.






Pottery Links.


Suppliers Of

Kiln Gallery






 Furnace Engineering have long been established as suppliers of kilns for both the hobby and the craft and smaller industrial market. It was in the early sixties when the founder of then Radians Engineering start manufacturing mainly brick kilns for the education board , the heavy and high power consuming brick kilns of those early days have seen major changes and improvements to become a light weight low power consuming fast firing kiln.

Our standard range of kilns for this market starts with the highly successful stainless steel Porcelain Doll Kiln with a 0.6 Cu.ft capacity. At the other end of the scale is our 30 cu.ft gas front loading kiln with ladder pilot and automatic control.

A large choice of kilns are of standard design but if your requirements are not met by a standard kiln we can produce a kiln to a customer exact requirement , see our Kiln Gallery


Click on one of the following items 

 General  Kiln Sizes Electric Kilns Gas Kilns Elements Controllers Pottery Links Shelves. Clients. Suppliers-of

Kiln Gallery


You can contact us at 

Furnace Engineering.

435 Razorback Road.

R.D.2 Pokeno 1872.

Phone (09) 2336690 :

Fax (09) 2336693

New Zealand

Where to find us

Location Map

Email : kilns@furnace-eng.co.nz